Family Life Insurance Protection

“Home is where the heart is!”

If you die unexpectedly, Life insurance cover protects your loved ones by providing a cash payment to assist with financial responsibilities following your death.

Payments from Life Insurance policies can help finance the cost of childcare and or pay off or reduce mortgage payments and household debt.

Financial support cannot alleviate the pain associated with losing a loved one, but a cash payment helps remove financial stress allowing your spouse to grieve and time to regroup.

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Family life insurance
Happy family

Do I need Family Life Insurance?

For most of us, family and loved ones are our top priority and source of greatest pride. Together, we build families, homes, and create wealth.

As families we experience the joy associated with achieving dreams such as buying and providing homes. Watching our children progress along life’s journey from infancy, to children, onto school, university and life thereafter.

The experience and memories families create are beyond the financial, however the costs incurred along life’s journey can be measured. Mortgage, school, university fees, and daily expenses can be calculated.

But how would your family cope financially if you or a partner became incapacitated or passed away? If you passed and were the primary income provider, could your remaining spouse meet mortgage demands and cover the cost of daily living?

For most UK families, meeting such overheads is extremely challenging and a supplementary source of income is required. This is especially relevant for families with children who are financially dependent on parents.

Following a successful claim, Life Insurance may provide a lifeline during a period of emotional crisis by reducing further anxiety associated with financial pressure.

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How Family Life Insurance Benefits You

Following the loss of a loved one who was the primary income provider, the surviving spouse maybe required to make drastic decisions such as selling the family home or changing children’s schooling are stressful decisions.

If the remaining spouse is the primary income provider, he or she may choose to continue working, however this may require support at home incurring increased cost.

After a life changing event, such as the loss of a loved one, your spouse may choose to change jobs to devote more time to your children. This may result in reduced income and is only achievable if the spouse is financially secure.

Following a successful claim, Life Insurance may provide a cash payment which could be used to:

  • Pay Inheritance Tax (IHT) liabilities
  • Pay off a mortgage
  • Pay off household debts
  • Pay off school fees
  • Create an inheritance for children
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Couple at meeting

Estate and Succession Planning

Some of our clients are family people with businesses they wish to pass on to future generations.

Estate planning and business succession planning often pivots around one or a handful of key people. Should anything happen to those key people the future of a business may be jeopardized.

Fatgreen works with families and business owners to ensure that business succession plans are protected.

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Family life insurance
Happy family

Family Income Benefit

Receiving a one-off Life Insurance cash payment works for some families, however, others prefer the security of receiving a monthly or annual payment.

Family Income Benefit, FIB, is a policy that provides families with a regular income following the loss of a loved one. Receiving a monthly payment acts as a supplementary income helping you manage your monthly overheads, in particular school and university tuition fees.

Family Income Benefit is attractive as the premiums are lower than “like for like” Life Insurance and policies can be arranged to provide cover until the children are ready to fly the nest.

No Obligation Consultation
nick green
<p class="team-pop-title"Peter Blacklock

[email protected]

0333 050 0088

07866 751 415

Connect with Peter on LinkedIn

Peter Blacklock
Peter is one of the UK’s leading Insurance and business advisory specialists with a track record of building and selling Insurance businesses.

He advises boards and investors in the capacity of CEO, C.A.P.O.W. Consulting, drawing on three decades of experience. Peter’s knowledge of Insurance is unrivalled having had extensive exposure to personal, family and business protection insurance.

Peter is passionate about the North of England and a life-long Sunderland fan and sports coach.

nick green

Anny Lian

[email protected]

0333 366 0988

07908 355 781

Connect with Anny on LinkedIn

Anny was an Investment Banker and CFO of a high-growth company working across Asia, America and now Yorkshire.

With a background in Finance, Anny understands the importance of financial planning and the value of saving and investments while putting together optimal protection plans for businesses, families and individuals.

Anny is also passionate about empowering women financially and boosting women's financial confidence and financial literary.

As an active member of the UK SME sector, Anny accepts invitations to encourage and mentor aspiring future female business leaders.

nick green

Nick Green

0333 366 0988

Connect with Nick on LinkedIn

Nick is the Practice Lead for C-Suite and Private Equity with Nigel Wright, a leading recruitment agency.

At heart, Nick is an entrepreneur who has co-founded two companies, including Fatgreen. Fatgreen arrange Business Protection insurance solutions for SMEs, Private Equity and Venture Capital Investors.

Prior to co-founding Fatgreen, Nick spent two decades in Executive Search, providing recruitment solutions for Investment Banks, Private Equity firms and their portfolio companies. Having dealt with people all his career, he understands the intrinsic link between creating financial value and people.

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